The A Coroa Winery receives 16 North American wine specialists
In order to know “in situ” the qualities of the 2015 A Coroa harvest, 16 US professionals of the restoration and wine distribution sector are visiting the facilities and vineyards of our winery.
In this committee are represented some of the most important restaurants and wine bars of 8 states and 16 US cities, including San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, Austin, Delaware, Portland, Michigan, Chicago and Washington, among others.
The visit will start in the morning throughout the various vineyards of the winery, being an important point for the attendees the Lentellais vineyard, where the exclusive “200 Cestos” is made.
At noon, the tour will end in the cellar with a tasting of the different range of our 2014 and 2015 wines, and all accompanied by a meal that will highlight the gastronomic exaltations of our region.
In the A Coroa winery we work every day to offer wines of the highest quality, as attested by the quality certificate of Galicia Calidade and Controlled Production – being the only winery worldwide producing Godello that is governed by a control of the production of its vineyards-.
In A Coroa we are convinced that the quality of a great wine starts in the vineyard. Therefore, and in accordance to our philosophy, all the grapes come solely from our vineyards of controlled production, which we supervise to the smallest detail when taking care of the vines and the fruit, being always environmentally friendly.
We would also like to remind you that our winery is opened to everyone who wishes to visit it. If you want to come and meet us, you only have to make an appointment by email,, or call us to the number +34 988 310 648. It will be a great pleasure to welcome you.