>>> A Coroa and 200 Cestos manage to overcome the 90-point barrier in the International Wine Challenge to place themselves once again in the Olympus of the best international wines.

One more year, the A Coroa wines presented at the competition manage to be validated by the demanding jury of the International Wine Challenge with very high scores, thus entering the elite of the best wines worldwide.

With 90 points for A Coroa Godello 2023 and 92 for 200 Cestos 2022, both vintages in force on the market, A Coroa’s commitment to quality in one of the sector’s reference events worldwide is ratified.

 Medalla de Oro 200 Cestos

>>> The Contest

The International Wine Challenge (IWC) ,owned by William Reed Business Media, is accepted as the world’s finest and most meticulously judged wine competition which assesses every wine blind and judges each for its faithfulness to style, region and vintage. Throughout the rigorous judging processes, each medal-winning wine is tasted on three separate occasions by at least 10 different judges.

This Wine Competition has been, throughout history, the English competition of greater reputation and which prestigious recognitions are named like the ‘Oscars’ of the wine. In the event,  British and international experts -many of them Masters of Wine- , sample wines from all over the world in a blind-tasting.


>>> The Awarded wines


From A Coroa’s commitment to the region of Valdeorras, and with the vines from which to make the best wines, we offer you this limited edition production depending on the vintage.

200 Cestos is the result of the collection of 100% Godello grapes from our most emblematic vineyard, Valdeaugas. There, 90-year-old vines are combined with new vines carefully selected from our best vineyards.

Located in the municipality of O Bolo, more specifically in the town of Lentelláis and the Bibei valley, the whole plot is arranged in terraces placed at an altitude of 550 to 650 meters.

The granite soils of the vineyard and the Atlantic microclimate that prevails in this area, along with the fermentation in French oak barrels, rest on its lees and subsequent aging in bottle, gives us a wine with a marked mineral character.

A Coroa Godello 200 Cestos is a wine with a noble evolution and a great aging capacity.


This wine is made with grapes from 8 parcels low production and controlled production of A Coroa. The average age of the vineyards, as well as the different altitudes, orientations and heterogeneity of the land, endow the overall result with exclusive mineralization and outstanding complexity.

After the grapes are manually harvested in each of the plots in 14Kg boxes and according to maturation, we proceed to a soft destemming and cold maceration (5ºC). Subsequently, the collection of each vineyard ferments separately in stainless steel vats with controlled temperature.

The result is a harmonious blend in which the nobility of the godello variety appears generous, offering us a fresh and varietal wine. With an excellent balance between alcohol – acidity, A Coroa 100% Godello is a long-lasting and enveloping wine.

>>> Production Pholosophy

Godello, 200 Cestos, A Coroa, Valdeorras, Galicia, comprar, tienda online

A Coroa winery has an international presence in over 20 countries on 4 continents.

In A Coroa we work every day to offer wines of the highest quality, as attested by the quality certificate of Galicia Calidade.

We are convinced that the quality of a great wine starts in the vineyard. Therefore, and in accordance to our philosophy, all the grapes come solely from our vineyards of low production, which we supervise to the smallest detail when taking care of the vines and the fruit, being always environmentally friendly.

From A Coroa we want to show our firm conviction of participating in international contests of abundant competition and great exigency where the criterion and the autonomy of the critics are beyond doubt. In addition, the fact of competing with much selected wines is a fundamental factor for us when establishing new guidelines to improve, and thus, offer our customers the best of our work.

Get to know all the data of 2023 A Coroa harvest

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