Official data of the 2024 harvest

>>> Around 167,000 kilograms of Godello and 2,500 kilograms of Garnacha are the harvest figures for an exceptional campaign in terms of quality and quantity

>>> Technical Data

With a winter of abundant rainfall, the water reserves in the soil have been sufficient for the correct development of the vine. This has led to the early start of budding, with the beginning of flowering at the end of May.

Thereafter, the absence of rainfall along with an optimal average temperature resulted in a perfect setting.

Godello A Coroa
2024 Carlos Folgoso Sueiro

During the rest of the growing season, more specifically during the summer months, moderate temperatures turned into a very progressive ripening with a gradual increase of sugar concentration that, in turn, helped maintain a perfect balance of acidity.

Therefore, as announced by the samplings carried out at the end of August, the first musts that entered the winery showed ideal parameters, which makes the 2024 harvest exceptional, predicting very aromatic wines, fresh, and of high glycerin content.

Datos Oficiales Vendmia 2024
2024 Carlos Folgoso Sueiro

In short, a medium-high harvest in terms of quantity and of very high quality, both for our Godello and Garnacha Tintorera grapes, characterize a great 2024 vintage.

>>> Phases

The good water reserves in the soil, with moderate rainfall during the first months of spring, followed by a dry summer, with moderate daytime and low nighttime temperatures, marked a progressive vegetative cycle, with grapes reaching optimal ripeness and, above all, preserving acidity.

Following the rigorous protocols of A Coroa, good vegetation management could not be missed with green pruning, minimizing the risk of fungal diseases and avoiding chemical treatments.

2024 Carlos Folgoso Sueiro

Furthermore, in rainy springs like the last one, the management of the vegetal cover of the soil is essential to avoid compaction, waterlogging and excess vigor in our vines.

This work has resulted in balanced and healthy vineyards.

Moreover, we cannot forget a fundamental phase for obtaining great wines, the harvest.

2024 Carlos Folgoso Sueiro

The care, attention and treatment of the grapes from the vineyard to the tanks is another crucial phase in the production process.

Manual harvesting in 15 kg boxes, a sorting table, the most modern winemaking equipment, gravity-fed must movements, etc. result in high-quality concentrates that are clean, flavorful and full of nuances.

2024 Carlos Folgoso Sueiro
>>> Quantitative Data

The quantitative results of the 2024 harvest are listed below:

Kg of Godello grapes harvested: 167,847 kg

Kg of Garnacha grapes harvested: 2,475 kg

2024 Carlos Folgoso Sueiro

With these figures, the approximate wine volumes are:

Godello: 155,000 bottles

Garnacha Centenaria – Ladeira Vella: 2,200 bottles

>>> Qualitative Data

The first tastings of grapes and the later musts that entered the winery, already announced a great vintage.

2024 Carlos Folgoso Sueiro

Now, the first samples of the wines, with the fermentation just finished, continue to indicate that we are facing a great harvest with wines full of nuances, aromas, minerality, with fresh and unctuous notes, giving rise to very complex wines; that is, “Great wines”.

>>> Production philosophy

Based on sustainable viticulture from an ecological, economic and social point of view, the know-how, care and passion of our team are a distinguishing feature of our products.

The highly experienced vineyard team composed by Ceferino, Jose, Jorge, and Miguel, all of them led by our technical director Ricardo Dobao, who has more than 20 years of experience, are responsible for the most meticulous daily treatment of the plots and winery work.

2024 Carlos Folgoso Sueiro

With Cefe Fernández and Marta Sertaje, coordinating the commercial and export work, along with our oenologist Ángel Sánchez, with more than 25 years of experience in the sector and a perfect connoisseur of our land, plots and unique features, we can bring the best of our vineyards to each elaboration.

As a result, A Coroa is present on the best tables in nearly 20 countries on 4 continents and is backed by more than 100 international awards and mentions.

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Official data of the 2024 harvest



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